Where is Brett Favre? Any one know what he is up to now a days? I was so annoyed with his constant threats to retire now I totally empathize with this fence straddling. Change is awesome but easier said than done.
Yet, 2013 is proving to be an awesome year!!!
Excited for a change I moved toTexas last fall. Unsure of what my best training option would be I found my way into the care of Vince Anderson and Andreas Behm. An angel truly guided me to this place where the positive energy and enthusiasm NEVER waned from one day to the next. The quiet small town environment and southern hospitality made this an ideal training location. Free from other distractions I could focus on my transition to life after track… enter Briaud Financial Planning. I had been thinking Financial Planning might be the avenue best for me but without interning at Briaud I would still be toying with the idea. I am so grateful to have found such a wonderful company willing to put up with my hectic training schedule to allow me to explore my interest and decide my next move! The wheels are in motion and I look forward to settling to this career, soon…
How soon? Well currently there is a potential 6month delay in moving forward due to cold weather and icy conditions.
In July a nagging injury that occurred shortly after USA Championships left me unable to finish the track season. I returned to the states feeling dejected. Earlier in the year while heading to a race in Rome I got to chat with Lolo about her experience with with Bobsled and it piqued my interest. With trials looming I had to decide whether or not to give it a try. I hopped on a plane to Calgary, Canada. With just one training session under my belt and a bum leg I managed to finish 3rd at the Push Championships and my Bobsled adventure began.
As an athlete there is an exhilarating feeling that comes with pushing yourself to the max and I forgot how to channel that in track but found it instantly not knowing any limits in Bobsled because it is all new to me. There is this weird balance between the competitive and team aspect that keeps you on your toes but doesn’t put you on guard with your teammates. Running down hill on ice pushing a 400lb sled may sound crazy to some but I am having SO MUCH FUN!!
I am wondering why more people aren’t going from bobsled to track the over speed training you get from pushing something heavy down hill is unbelievable! Maybe I will be the one to test my theory out… Just call me Bretina Favre
Thanks to Lolo encouraging me to give it a try. They refer to Bobsled as a”blue collar sport” for good reason.This is not glamorous and is incredibly expensive. I believe 2nd only to Equestrian in cost?? Those here are doing it for the Love of sport. Depending on host families for housing in various training locations is the norm. I finally understand the phrase “trying to make a dollar out of 15 cent”
I have no idea where this journey will take me but the goal is simple: Leave bobsled better off than when I joined it; Shine a light on the opportunity for people to join; expose the need to secure better funding for ALL who will represent our country on Team USA and win a Olympic Gold medal. I will keep you posted on my progress!